Last night I was teaching and lost track of time. I had an abundance of notes and knew that I was probably going to have to cut it short, but when I looked down at the watch I was borrowing from Tal (mine had actually stopped working on Tuesday) it was only ten after 8.00. I was pleasantly surprised to have 20 minutes left.
But by the time I finished my message and led a response time I picked up the watch and it was ten to 9.00. Apparently when I looked down twenty minutes earlier the watch was upside down! I talked for over an hour.
On a positive note, it was still several hours shorter than Paul preached for in Acts 20. Not even a death during his message could deter him. He raised the kid from the dead and finished his sermon!
On a creative note, if you are a preacher and you often struggle with having more to say than time to say it, you might want to try the "Leave your Watch Upside Down on the Music Stand" strategy.
On a thankful note, I love that our church is not one of those churches where everyone is constantly looking at their watches. I've spoken in some of those. It's great to worship with people who love God's Presence and love God's Word.