It's been awhile since I've had more anticipation for a movie then I do for Disney's release of The Chronicles of Narnia. Not only is CS Lewis one of my favorite authors, but The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe is one of my favorite stories. Adventure, Courage, Heroism, Sacrifice, Victory; it's all there. In it I see myself. And in it, I see my Savior.
Starting this Sunday I'm going to take our church through five of the rich Bible metaphors that are in the movie. I'm going to start with "A Door To Another World." The Bible says that Jesus is the Door. He is the Gate. But what too many Christians miss is that to walk through that door, and engage in a relationship with Christ, is to walk into a life of adventure and missoin that Jesus described as abundant life, or life that's really life.
If you haven't read the book yet, you've still got a few days. It's an easy read. Pick it up, read it, then see the movie. If you like fresh glimpses at the gospel, then get ready to be inspired! I just read it again last week and loved it as much as ever. You never know, you just might even re-discover your inner child! Didn't Jesus encourage us to pursue the faith of our inner child?
I love this quote from CS Lewis.
I never wrote down to anyone; certainly is my opinion that a book worth reading only in childhood is not worth reading even then. The inhibitions which I hoped my stories would overcome in a child's mind may exist in a grown-up's mind too, and may perhaps be overcome by the same means.
Love the sermon idea...I'm a visual person (to say the least) and Jesus' metaphors and stories say so much to me. I am so pumped about this movie! When I imagine meeting my Lion, I get near tears. It's, possibly, the coolest way to imagine Him. *sigh* It's weird to miss seeing someone I've never laid eyes on. Probably sounds crazy. :-D
Posted by: Crysti Wallace | December 06, 2005 at 10:05 PM