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November 18, 2005


Paul Podraza

Here's a deeper question, what if you lived on Earth, experiencing heaven and eternity now, not just looking forward to it sometime down the road?

Crysti Wallace

In response to what Paul Podraza wrote, Ted Dekker has written an entire book on that subject entitled "The Slumber of Christianity." In it he confronts the fact that today's Christians do not seem to enjoy living life. He proposes that we only believe we can enjoy life in heaven, therefore we are (and I am summarizing) a bunch of grumpy, boring people on earth. When, if we would just open our eyes, we would see glimpses of that eternity in the things around us. It's all about perspective. Not searching for fulfillment in our lives here, but seeing that this is an exciting prelude of what's to that might be a contagious way to live!

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